
The Enchantment of Zoho Aka: The Legacy of Red in Zoho Gama Ceramics

The Enchantment of Zoho Aka: The Legacy of Red ...

In the heart of Gifu Prefecture's Tajimi City, a place renowned for its rich ceramic history, lies the Zoho Gama Kiln, a guardian of Minoyaki pottery tradition. Today, we delve...

The Enchantment of Zoho Aka: The Legacy of Red ...

In the heart of Gifu Prefecture's Tajimi City, a place renowned for its rich ceramic history, lies the Zoho Gama Kiln, a guardian of Minoyaki pottery tradition. Today, we delve...

Doraemon Meets Tradition: The Enchanting Fusion of Anime and Kutani Ceramics

Doraemon Meets Tradition: The Enchanting Fusion...

Are you a fan of the endearing blue robot cat from the future, Doraemon? Imagine the delight of combining this childhood nostalgia with the timeless elegance of Kutani ware, Japan's...

Doraemon Meets Tradition: The Enchanting Fusion...

Are you a fan of the endearing blue robot cat from the future, Doraemon? Imagine the delight of combining this childhood nostalgia with the timeless elegance of Kutani ware, Japan's...

The Art of Japanese Donabe: Exploring Ginpo's Hanashima Pottery Tradition

The Art of Japanese Donabe: Exploring Ginpo's H...

Discover the elegance of Japanese pottery with Ginpo's Hanashima Donabe. Originating from Yokkaichi City, Mie Prefecture, Ginpo has been a hallmark of traditional Japanese earthenware since 1932. Their expertise lies...

The Art of Japanese Donabe: Exploring Ginpo's H...

Discover the elegance of Japanese pottery with Ginpo's Hanashima Donabe. Originating from Yokkaichi City, Mie Prefecture, Ginpo has been a hallmark of traditional Japanese earthenware since 1932. Their expertise lies...

Scented Whispers from Kyoto: The Kousaido Story

Scented Whispers from Kyoto: The Kousaido Story

In the heart of Kyoto, a city renowned for its rich cultural heritage and serene beauty, lies Kousaido, a traditional incense maker that has been captivating senses for generations. Through...

Scented Whispers from Kyoto: The Kousaido Story

In the heart of Kyoto, a city renowned for its rich cultural heritage and serene beauty, lies Kousaido, a traditional incense maker that has been captivating senses for generations. Through...

Daily Tableware


您最喜欢、每天都想使用的餐具 这款来自 MINO-WARE 生产区的日常餐具系列融合了可爱的水果设计,为您的日常用餐增添了愉悦和俏皮的感觉。每件作品均由技艺精湛的工匠手工制作,不仅体现了该地区的技术实力,还以其可爱的水果图案散发着魅力。这些餐具非常适合休闲使用,提升您的家庭用餐体验,将功能性与异想天开的美感融为一体,一定会受到所有年龄段的人的喜爱。


您最喜欢、每天都想使用的餐具 这款来自 MINO-WARE 生产区的日常餐具系列融合了可爱的水果设计,为您的日常用餐增添了愉悦和俏皮的感觉。每件作品均由技艺精湛的工匠手工制作,不仅体现了该地区的技术实力,还以其可爱的水果图案散发着魅力。这些餐具非常适合休闲使用,提升您的家庭用餐体验,将功能性与异想天开的美感融为一体,一定会受到所有年龄段的人的喜爱。

The Turtle and Crane Series by Yoshitoyo Kiln


当我们深入日本传统陶瓷世界时,我们发现了吉丰窑迷人的龟鹤系列。该系列是波佐见瓷器的典范,以其古典优雅与现代美学的平衡而闻名。 该系列中的每件作品都是艺术性与象征意义交织在一起的画布。手绘的乌龟和仙鹤不仅仅是装饰品,更是一种装饰。它们是长寿和好运的文化象征,深深植根于日本民间传说。每件产品的细致工艺都与波佐见瓷器的悠久传统相呼应,而现代设计元素则使其适合现代家居。 该系列不仅仅是瓷器收藏;这是对生命时刻的庆祝。无论是安静的晚茶还是特殊的家庭聚会,这些单品都能增添一丝温暖和怀旧之情。它们的多功能性使其非常适合日常使用或作为贴心礼物,弥合仪式和休闲之间的差距。


当我们深入日本传统陶瓷世界时,我们发现了吉丰窑迷人的龟鹤系列。该系列是波佐见瓷器的典范,以其古典优雅与现代美学的平衡而闻名。 该系列中的每件作品都是艺术性与象征意义交织在一起的画布。手绘的乌龟和仙鹤不仅仅是装饰品,更是一种装饰。它们是长寿和好运的文化象征,深深植根于日本民间传说。每件产品的细致工艺都与波佐见瓷器的悠久传统相呼应,而现代设计元素则使其适合现代家居。 该系列不仅仅是瓷器收藏;这是对生命时刻的庆祝。无论是安静的晚茶还是特殊的家庭聚会,这些单品都能增添一丝温暖和怀旧之情。它们的多功能性使其非常适合日常使用或作为贴心礼物,弥合仪式和休闲之间的差距。